Toddler Program -18 months to 3 years
we love working with our little ones so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Our Toddler Classes
Parented, "Wiggle n' Giggle"
This 30min class is such a fun experience for both the parent and dancer (18 months to 3 years)! Each class will include teacher-led movement activities where parents can encourage their little one, but also be instructed on how to help them explore coordination, balance, musicaltiy, and characterization! And as we 'partner up' with our young dancer, we promise a ton of laughter and connection!
UNparented "Creative Movement" Classes for age 3-4
Think your 3 or almost 3 year old is ready for their own program, independent of mom or dad? Please click HERE to be redirected to our age 3-4 programs to learn more.
UNparented "Dance & Play" mini session for age 2-4
We are excited to offer our this 2-hour program that is full of different styles of dance, a variety of sports, as well as fun crafts. This program will build self-esteem, physical literacy, and social skills in a positive and encouraging environment.Click here for more information.
RATES & DAtes for 2024/25
"Wiggle n' Giggle" Session Dates & Rates (for AGE 1-3)
- Winter/Spring Sessions for TUESDAY 9:00am "Wiggle n' Giggle"
- Jan 7 to Feb 11 - $90.00
- Feb 25 to April 15 - $120.00
- April 29 to June 10 - $105.00
- Winter/Spring Sessions for SATURDAY 9:15am "Wiggle n' Giggle"
- Jan 11 to Feb 8 - $75.00
- Feb 22 to April 12 - $120.00
- April 26 to June 7 - $90.00 (no classes May 17)
"Wiggle n' Giggle" RATES
- $75.00 per 5-week session
- $90.00 per 6-week Session
- $105.00 per 7-week Session
- $120.00 per 8-week Session
There is a one time annual fee for registering in our programs, including "Dance & Play" (but not for a "Wiggle n' Giggle" session):
- Individuals - $35.00
- Families - $50.00
If you're new to Springbank Dancers, please contact us to request a free trial!!!
What are the lengths of the 1-3 year old classes?
- Parented Classes - 30min
- Creative Movement Classes - 45min
- Dance & Play - 120min
What is the required attire?
- "Wiggle n' Giggle" - anything comfy! Parents, please attend in comfy clothes as well! The dancers can wear ballet or jazz shoes, and/or everyone can have bare feet!
- Dance & Play - anything comfy with indoor runners or dance shoes!
What is the required hair?
- Please just ensure your dancers' hair is pulled back and out of their face for class (hair styles could include a bun, pony tail, braid, half-up, etc.)
Am I allowed to sit in on the class?
- In order to promote a safe, and comforting environement for our little ones, we'd don't permit parents to watch from inside the class for our UNparented programs...
What if my little one is too nervous to leave me on the first class?
- No problem! We want all our little ones to feel comfortable and safe. You are welcome to stay with them in class for as long as you feel needed. Following their first introduction, we try to "break the tie" a little more each week, really encouraging mom/dad to watch in the TVs like their dancer is a little STAR!